Why don't more people sing?

Find out the 3 main elements, that I believe, when addressed, are the key to unlocking the answer to Bob Roach's question, (the Founder of 'Megalomaniacs Without Borders),



Singers are regarded GOOD or BAD, according to their ability to stay in tune, or hold pitch.

According to Sean Hutchins, of Conservatory of Music, Toronto, only 2% of the population have a 'pitch perception deficit'.

GREAT NEWS! 98% of us can LEARN!

As vocal science suggests and my teaching experience supports, to gain pitch control largely comes down 'motor control'. Meaning,

Is the pitch you “hear” (ie from the original recording), the same as the pitch your voice is creating? 

Or in other words, is what you are intending to do, actually happening?

The body needs to learn the coordination, and develop 'muscle memory', of the physical processes involved to control pitch.

Is this possible? Absolutely.

I have a student , who started lessons recently, because she believed she "cannot hold a tune". By her 2nd voice lesson, we had a process in place to help her link the pitch being played to the sound she was making. And with excitement she said, "I have never been able to do this before".


To be a good singer, you have to be a natural, OR, it’s just something you are born with.

The Second element that plays an important role in what we sound like, that perhaps we don't realise can be a contributor, is our natural 'physical make-up'. Eg the shapes and sizes of our vocal folds, pharynx, nasal cavities etc all vary.

One of the beautiful things about voice, is that it is a human instrument. No two bodies are the same, hence, no two voices are the same. However, to play it well, means understanding and learning about your unique instrument.


The third element, is the most influential part in being a “great singer”, is

What you believe about yourself!

Imagine where the world of sport would be, if:

- Every basketball player that missed a match point, stopped playing?

- Every football player got distracted by the crowd cheering for the opposing team?

- Every Olympic athlete stopped racing, in case if they "didn't" win?

** Check out what famous brands had to say about having a go below!

When “Internal dialogue” says,

“If I don’t like the sound of my voice, how can an audience?”

“I hate the sound of my voice” (and the list is endless)

the consequences become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Think of your favorite artist, and ask,


As Sean Huthchins notes, “The psychology involved can make a very big difference”.

When people say, “why bother to try? It is tragic really, as trying is the only way you’re going to improve the skills you have.”

Patience, Practise and Perseverance, then, anything is possible!

 This is what makes a GREAT SINGER!

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